Welcome to
S.O.U.L. Society Firearm Club
What is SSFC?
Sentinels Of Upliftment and Leadership
We are a Firearm Club in the Downstate New York area serving Westchester, Rockland Counties as well as the Boroughs of NYC.

To Introduce, Demonstrate and Educate more of our Black & Brown people on how to Safely, Responsibly and Legally operate and own Firearms. Many of us grew up believing that only Cops or Crooks carry guns. Our goals are to dispel the myth and alter the negative Stigma around responsible gun operation and ownership amongst people of color.
We look to support those ranging from beginners looking to get Home/ Business/Self Defense Safety Training to well-versed firearm enthusiasts, current and former law enforcement, veterans looking to build a network of like-minded people of color who support the 2nd Amendment. As well as the every day law abiding citizen that wants to be able to Legally, Responsibly and Safely protect themselves, their families and their properties. We hope to increase the awareness of the steps necessary to purchase, own, and safely store/utilize firearms primarily for Home Defense.

We plan to expose more responsible people to more positive information and education about firearm operation and ownership. We offer our membership access to a wide range of resources including:
-Introduction to Firearm Seminars and Demonstrations
-Open House informational meetings for our New and Potential Members.
-Range Roundups (Group Live Fire Outings)
-Tactical Training (Defensive, Home Protection)
-Intro to Competitive Shooting
-Self Defense (Martial Arts & non-lethal methods)
-Women Focused Group events
-Business Networking (Shoot ‘n’ Share Mixers)
-Annual Family Fun Day
-USCCA Training (Home Defense)
-NRA Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun Certification course
-Private/Small Group Lessons & Workshops